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Both facilities have their own van that staff are licensed and insured to use to take residents into the community.  Each van has the capacity to seat all six residents and both staff.  Usually outings will be one staff with three residents unless it is a special event for everyone to attend.
Staff plan and manage daily outings with an activity calendar that lists daily outings every day for the month so staff and residents can be aware of and prepare for the day’s and upcoming outings.
  • Library… once a week residents can go to return items and choose a new book or video.  The library is very close by and is and opportunity for a walk when it’s nice out!
  • Shopping… Cub Foods, Sam’s Club, Dollar Store, Malls, Wal-Mart, etc. to shop for groceries, resident and house needs.  We spend house or resident personal money depending on the items being purchased.
  • Banking… once every two weeks, residents participate in getting their personal spending cash from our local Highland Bank.
  • Neighborhood Walks… For a chance to get out of the house and get some exercise without having to go far or spend money, residents and staff will take walks in the neighborhood on nice days in the warm months!
  • Mall Walking… FREE! And a fun way for residents to get their exercise in a big space with a change of scenery and maybe even bring money to do a little shopping or stop for a treat.
  • Coffee Shops… a favorite activity! Residents bring their own money to go to get a cup of joe or a snack and sit and chat with peers and staff!  We have lots of local coffee shops in the area, and can even walk to some on nice days.  We also have Starbucks and Caribou nearby or will stop at the Coffee stand at Target or Wal-Mart.  We usually get a chance to do this once or twice a week.
  • CLEAR Class (a community provided activity program once a week where residents can choose from classes such as movies and videos, joy of music, dance, arts & crafts, BINGO, exercise activities, cooking, makeup classes, photography, computer class and more)  Every season (3 months) residents complete their class and can choose a different class to participate in for the next season.  This is an activity paid for by residents, cost is presently $36 for the season’s class.
  • “Pickin’N’Grinnin”… another favorite: every other Monday evening, Community Programs put on this event where residents can go to hear live music, sing, dance and even play along!
  • JCC (Jewish Community Center)…Residents have a membership renewed yearly by Our House. They have access and regularly use the exercise/gym facilities for indoor exercise and also have attended concerts and plays put on by the center’s members.
  • Out to Eat… Every other Friday, residents choose a restaurant together (usually restaurants like McDonalds, Burger King, Hardees, Noodles & Co., or an option where they do not have to spend more than $7-$10 on a meal) and they’ll go out for their meal instead of cooking and eating at home.  A nice change of pace for residents and staff for a special Friday community activity!
    Residents are always invited to provide input as to community activities they would like to participate in.

Other Outings, usually special to the weekends:

  • Movie Theater… The “Roseville 4” is nearby which is the movie theater we usually go to, movies are discounted ($2 for admission) and they usually have one or a couple appropriate movie choices for residents.  This is usually a Saturday activity.
  • Church on Sunday mornings… if individuals choose to attend or express enjoyment in attending church services.  Residents usually will attend 11:00 a.m. mass at St. Marks Catholic Church which is nearby.  This is a great opportunity for residents to participate in getting together with neighbors and community members and a nice Sunday morning walk if the weather is nice.  And sometimes a pancake breakfast!

See “Big Deals” for extra special community events that residents have had the opportunity to participate in!


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©2007 Our House of Minnesota, Inc.
1846 Portland Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55104